quality sleep & adaptive emotional regulation: key factors in mental health resilience

High-quality sleep and adaptive cognitive emotional regulation strategies can help to promote resilience to depression and anxiety when faced with negative or stressful experiences, according to new research published in the scientific journal Cortex. The researchers were interested in understanding why some individuals experiencing chronic stress develop mental health problems, while others do not. They believed …

holotropic breathwork in a psychiatric hospital setting 

Holotropic Breathwork is a powerful, spiritually oriented approach to self-exploration and healing that integrates insights from modern consciousness research, anthropology, depth psychologies, transpersonal psychology, Eastern spiritual practices, and many mystical traditions. Holotropic Breathwork offers many opportunities that may enhance treatment, including entering non-ordinary […] A Clinical Report on Holotropic Breathwork in 11,000 Psychiatric Inpatients in a …

the science of flow: heart brain coherence

Many contemporary scientists believe it is the underlying state of our physiological processes that determines the quality and stability of the feelings and emotions we experience. The feelings we label as positive actually reflect body states that are coherent, meaning "the regulation of life processes becomes efficient, or even optimal, free-flowing and easy,"[160] and the feelings …

breathwork: coherence and union

If I say mind and thinking, you automatically know that we are talking about head. And reason. With the same automatism, you know that when using the words emotion and feeling all the rest of the body is put into play from the heart. The world of sensations. Who knows how many times in your school, affective, professional life, these two parts acted separately or, worse, …

breathing: the master clock of the sleeping brain

While we sleep, the brain is not switched off, but is busy with “saving” the important memories of the day. To achieve that, brain regions are synchronized to coordinate the transmission of information between them. Yet, the mechanisms that enable this synchronization across multiple remote brain regions are not well understood. Traditionally, these mechanisms were …

Living whole

Neurodivergent lived experience with a side order of chronic health

Buddhist Therapist

The relationship between mental health, spirituality and politics told from the point of view of a working psychotherapist.


A progressive neuronophilic insight into the mysteries of the universe


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