NeuroMeditation may improve cognitive functions

For 60 years, clinicians have been combining neurofeedback with meditation to speed the learning process and potentially enhance the benefits of meditation (Tarrant, 2017a). However, there has not yet been research evidence that this approach is effective for enhancing cognitive functioning—until now! In an exciting new study, published in the June 2020 issue of Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, …

introducing neurosoma

Neurosoma uses neurofeedback for mind/body health and wellbeing. Not all neurofeedback is the same and we use a particular kind, NeurOptimal®, which you can read about on this website. In short though, it's taken a lifetime to find a whole mind healing modality which is truly person-centred, person-directed and recovery oriented but which doesn't require …

Living whole

Neurodivergent lived experience with a side order of chronic health

Buddhist Therapist

The relationship between mental health, spirituality and politics told from the point of view of a working psychotherapist.


A progressive neuronophilic insight into the mysteries of the universe


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